Everything about Atlife.
At Life Products (Pty) Ltd was established in 2006 focusing on sales and marketing of sport supplements. The company soon expanded into health supplements including multi-micronutrient supplements for infants over the age of 6 months, children, adults, pregnant and lactating women. Food-based products for special dietary use were developed to target blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Business structure and strategies
Products are sourced from DSM Nutritional Products South Africa (Pty) Ltd (www.dsm.com), a global and world leader in the production and manufacturing of nutritional ingredients,particularly vitamins and specialty nutritional ingredients.
Using backward integration, DSM manufactures the needed ingredients in various industrial sites, delivers them to South Africa for premixing at the Isando plant in Gauteng, according to specific formulations.
The premixes are then delivered to Technikon Laboratories (Pty) Ltd (www.techlab.co.za) for conversion into tablets, capsules and sachets according to GMP processes and procedures.
Company Market
At Life Products sells and distributes to the South African Government, retailers and healthcare professionals.
Company Business
The business has a long tradition as a pioneer in the discovery of new products, new formulations and attractive applications for all industry segments.

Quality and Safety
- Through “Innovation based on Science” products are developed, formulated and launched after extensive local and global research demonstrating products to promote health and well-being
- Each batch of our Sport Supplements are tested by Informed-Sport and listed on their website (www.informed-sport.com)
- Our Fibre Supplements are endorsed by the GI Foundation (www.gifoundation.com) and Diabetes South Africa.
- Quali®-Blends are used in the Mi-Vitamim® Multi-Vitamin Mineral Supplement products.
More about Quali®-Blends
- Scientifically proven to benefit health and well-being
- Adheres to the highest quality standards
- Sustainably and ethically manufactured
- Assurance of reliable supply
- Contains safe and effective ingredients at relevant levels
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